1902 Crown Upright

1902 Crown U1

This nice old upright was brought into the shop after an unfortunate moving incident. Moving a piano this size is tricky business for the untrained. Both toed legs and the treble end blocking were damaged. The bass side caster and the bottom board were destroyed.

That's a 12mm (approximately 1/2 inch) solid steel shaft that lost it's wheel after only 107 years!

1902 Crown U2
1902 Crown U3The treble end caster held but the block it was attached to moved up and back from the force of impact.

The toed leg completely seperated from the case with remarkably little damage.

1902 Crown U4
1902 Crown U5The bass leg held better as the caster took the brunt of the blow.
Here are the parts that need to be reattached and/or replaced.1902 Crown U6
1902 Crown U7 The old caster was riveted to 1/4 inch steel plate. The assembly held but the caster disappeared.
The rivets were drilled out, the remains of the old caster removed and replaced with a used caster due to the unusal size of the original caster.1902 Crown U8
1902 Crown U11We made a new tenon for the treble leg.
The Bessey clamps make the glue up of the ornate legs an easy chore.1902 Crown U9
1902 Crown U10The bottom board is a lost cause, forcing us to construct a new board.
Before we begin on the bottom board, we take time to glue up the leg assemblies. They will dry while we are working on the new board1902 Crown U12
1902 Crown U13After clean up the unique cover for the pedals displays the Crown logo and the fervent desire of the builder, Geo. P. Bent.
Pedal trapwork is installed on the new board which was built by with a combination of hand and power tools.1902 Crown U14
1902 Crown U15New pedal board installed.
Two six inch long 3/8 inch dowels will help to reinforce the blocking on the treble end.1902 Crown U16
1902 Crown U17Final step is to trim the dowels, stain them and send this Crown back to it's home port.


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